API Reference

Supported endpoints


GET Endpoint for requesting Sentinel-1 (S1), Sentinel-2 (S2) timeseries.

The following input parameters are accepted:

Parameter Type Priority Default Description
timeseries_from timestamp with time zone Required Timestamp since which the updated time series will be returned. All the results that have been updated exactly on updates_from timestamp or later until the updates_to will be returned.
timeseries_to timestamp with time zone Optional now() at time zone in DB Timestamp up to which the updated time series will be returned. All the results that have been updated exactly on updates_from timestamp or later until the updates_to will be returned.
query_area text Required Define the polygon in WKT format that surrounds the area of interest, e.g. POLYGON((25.376 58.778,25.376 58.819,25.482 58.819,25.482 58.778,25.376 58.778))
properties text Optional All properties Define the returned properties, e.g. /timeseries&properties=id,cohvh_avg.
format text Optional json Define the format of returned results. json for JSON, txt for txt file.
page integer Optional Toggle pagination of returned results and define which page is returned. Number of results is limited to 10000 per page.

The following output parameters ("properties") are supported:

Parameter Type Description
id integer Unique id of the estimate.
parcel_foreign_id text Foreign id of the parcel which the time series data point applies to.
s1product_end_time timestamp with time zone Timestamp of the S1 time series data point.
cohvh_min float Minimum VH coherence (S1).
cohvh_avg float Average VH coherence (S1).
cohvh_max float Maximum VH coherence (S1).
cohvh_std float Standard deviation of VH coherence (S1).
cohvv_min float Minimum VV coherence (S1).
cohvv_avg float Average VV coherence (S1).
cohvv_max float Maximum VV coherence (S1).
cohvv_std float Standard deviation of VV coherence (S1).
vhvv_min float Minimum VH / VV ratio (S1).
vhvv_avg float Average VH / VV ratio (S1).
vhvv_max float Maximum VH / VV ratio (S1).
vhvv_std float Standard deviation of VH / VV ratio (S1).
s0vh_min float Minimum VH sigma0 (S1).
s0vh_avg float Average VH sigma0 (S1).
s0vh_max float Maximum VH sigma0 (S1).
s0vh_std float Standard deviation of VH sigma0 (S1).
s0vv_min float Minimum VV sigma0 (S1).
s0vv_avg float Average VV sigma0 (S1).
s0vv_max float Maximum VV sigma0 (S1).
s0vv_std float Standard deviation of VV sigma0 (S1).
linc float Incidence angle (S1).
updated_at timestamp with time zone Timestamp of the last update on the estimate. Mutually exclusive with result_deleted.
deleted_at timestamp with time zone Timestamp of the deletion of the estimate. Mutually exclusive with result_updated.

Python code example

import requests
import json

# api-endpoint
URL = "https://demodev.kappazeta.ee/api/demo/timeseries_by_area"

# defining the area and time frame of interest
query_area = "POLYGON((25.376 58.778,25.376 58.819,25.482 58.819,25.482 58.778,25.376 58.778))"
timeseries_from = "2019-05-01"
timeseries_to = "2019-05-11"
properties = "parcel_id,cohvh_avg,cohvv_avg,s0vh_min,s0vh_max,s0vh_avg,s0vh_std,linc"
PARAMS = {'query_area':query_area,

# sending get request and saving the response as response object
r = requests.get(url = URL, params = PARAMS)

# extracting data in json format
data = r.json()

# printing the formatted output
print(json.dumps(data, indent=2))


GET Endpoint for requesting parcel parameters.

The following input parameters are accepted:

Parameter Type Priority Default Description
parcel_foreign_id text Optional All parcels Foreign id of the parcel to request.
client_foreign_id text Optional All clients Foreign id of the client to request.
crop_foreign_code text Optional All crops Foreign code of the crop to request.
landuse_foreign_code text Optional All landuse types Foreign code of the landuse type to request.
query_area WKT geometry Optional Extent of parcels in DB A WKT POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON (in the EPSG:4326 coordinate system) which determines the area where the results will be returned.
properties text Optional All properties Define the returned properties, e.g. /parcel&properties=id,geometry.
format text Optional json Define the format of returned results. json for JSON, txt for txt file.

At least one of the following parameters must be specified:
parcel_foreign_id, client_foreign_id, crop_foreign_code, landuse_foreign_code.

The following output parameters ("properties") are supported:

Parameter Type Description
parcel_foreign_id text Foreign id of the parcel.
client_foreign_id text Foreign id of the client (owner of the parcel).
client_name text Name of the client (owner of the parcel).
crop_code text Code string of the crop type.
crop_foreign_code text Foreign code string of the crop type.
landuse_code text Code string of the landuse type.
landuse_foreign_code text Foreign code string of the landuse type.
created_at timestamp with time zone Timestamp of creation.
updated_at timestamp with time zone Timestamp of the last update on the parcel.
geometry WKT geometry Geometry of the parcel.
area real Parcel area in ha.

Python code example

import requests
import json

# api-endpoint
URL = "https://demodev.kappazeta.ee/api/demo/parcel"

# defining the area and properties of interest
query_area = "POLYGON((25.376 58.778,25.376 58.819,25.482 58.819,25.482 58.778,25.376 58.778))"

properties = "parcel_foreign_id,client_foreign_id,crop_foreign_code,landuse_foreign_code"
PARAMS = {'query_area':query_area, 'properties':properties}

# sending get request and saving the response as response object
r = requests.get(url = URL, params = PARAMS)

# printing the output in json format
print(json.dumps(r.json(), indent=2))


GET Endpoint for verifying connectivity.

The endpoint outputs the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
status text Service status. One of the following: ok, error.
api_version text Version of the API.
schema_version text Version of the database schema.
authentication_required boolean Whether authentication is required.

Python code example

import requests
import json

# api-endpoint
URL = "https://demodev.kappazeta.ee/api/demo/status"

# sending get request and saving the response as response object
r = requests.get(url = URL)

# printing the output in json format
print(json.dumps(r.json(), indent=2))

Try a demo of the time series API here.